1:04:00 AM hanny arianty gultom 0 Comments

Our marriage is a miracle, a bless..
Unforgettable one..
September 28, 2013

A friend of mine Christofer Tapiheru said that "indeed marriage is a blessing & most of all; a miracle. The Bible starts with a wedding between the 1st men & women, Jesus first miracle was in a wedding, & someday all of us (who trust in Jesus) will be married to our ultimate Groom; Jesus Christ di Pernikahan Anak Domba Allah."

So then, my wedding is a double triple chocolate of miracles and happiness..

It was two and a half days before the wedding, our only men, Papa, got hospitalised because of a dengue fever. His thrombocytes was 67000 out of 150000 normal people. The next morning going down to 32000 and he had a high haemoglobin which can make the bleeding happen in a second of time,and fyi it was Thursday.

Lots of people coming to the hospital to visit Papa, ultimately to pray for him.
My family and I were thinking nothing but Papa's condition. We put a side the wedding thingies.. We don't even want to think about it. Sisters and mom accompanied papa in the hospital. They let me go home at night to think about my condition.

Friday morning, a day before the wedding. The thrombocytes was jumping free to 18000, i was like thinking what on earth i will let him go to my wedding. No, i insisted my self. I preferred to let him have a bed rest to go to my wedding with that kind of situation.

Friday morning at school (ya i still come to school), there was a morning worship services for students and teachers before taking the mid-term report, one teacher knew papa's condition and he prayed in front of a hundred people, praying for papa's condition. I chilled. I held my tears. It was a beautiful prayer. Some of my students sobbed.

Friday afternoon, i went to the hospital, they pushed me to prepare for tomorrow. I went home worried. Papa insisted to come to my wedding. My heart pumping like crazy. He said he wanna ran off from hospital if they didn't allow him.

The doctor let him to go in the next morning with accompanied by nurse and infusion bottles hanging and a wheel chair for emergency. It was 31000 and his haemoglobin getting normal. They said papa already passed the critical phase, but still he had to take a rest.

Saturday morning. The prayers are still going up to the sky. 4 am in the morning papa's went home, no infusion bottles, no nurse, no wheel chair, but FAITH and SPIRIT.

From that on until 8 pm at night, the miracles happened. I care nothing but Papa's condition. It wasn't a perfect wedding, as there are several things missed by some vendors. But should I care???

I am so happy, I had a happy tired face. I am so happy that papa's beside me, he flawlessly did every little thing that bataknese parents should did on their children's wedding. Dancing, standing, everything. I believe someone held him tightly on that day. After finish, he went back to the hospital and his thrombocytes was increasing to 35000, he couldn't stay any longer, the next afternoon he left the hospital. He cured.

I am showered by lots of loving people. From my husband and his family, my relatives, from my friends, from my students, from my best friend..

The wedding is a bless, a miracle, an unforgettable one..

I couldn't ask more..

Thank you.


Hanny & Henry

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